Best Ways to Make Your Home Look Stylish on a Budget
All the ideas we pick to make our home stylish can not be implemented at once because of our budget. However, they can be done in one or two at a time by keeping our budget in the mind. Though, at initial stage they may not look that much attractive, but each one could have a best impact finally. So following are few great ideas to have a stylish home at a budget.
Grocery Store Flowers
Many of us would feel buying flowers were such a waste things as they just die in a week or few day anyway. But the major thing you have to remember is even small bunch of flowers bought from a grocery store that too at just w cost of $10 could last for 10 to 15 days, if they topped up the water. So it is always best to pick some up while you are out.
Hang the Curtains Wide as well as High
No matter in what type of house you live or what style you need your house to be, you would always need curtains. Be it for privacy or light blocking or even just for looks, these curtains are pretty standard house necessities. And these are the main items that come in budget yet add a lot of style to your decor. Even the curtains that are cheap gives your house a warm and attractive look, when hung in the right way.
One of the best methods you should follow while hanging the curtain is that rather than hanging the rod of the curtain, very tight to the window frame, it is always great, if you hang them “wide and hard”. Keep the curtain rod as high as possible, so that they will gently touch the floor when they are hung. For it, buy a rod that is large enough to extend the curtain about at least five to six inches past the window frame. However, if budget is your issue in buying stylish designed curtains, you can still have super cool looking windows by using your creativity and by hanging cloth curtains.
Pick the Perfect Area Rugs
Most of us feel purchasing area rugs is an expensive thing. But, in real it doesn’t have to be that much costly. Many houses would require at least an 7 foot by 12 foot rug to fit their space exactly. But if your search around, you could find the one that is hundreds less than everywhere else. So be patient and shop around, just check all the Home Depot stores, online shops and even small shops. Keep in mind, whatever the case would be, don’t compromise and buy the rug that is too small for your space!
Update your Lampshades
If you have lamps at your home, and if you don’t want to replace them, at least try replacing the lampshades. While you got your lamps, you might have bought those curvy shades with fringe or piping. So at now, you can update those lamps by picking some newer shades that are more of a drum shaped.